Our vacation plans abroad this year were cancelled, but we were able to get away for a week in Flagstaff – great break from the heat and smokey air in Tucson. The emphasis of the trip was on hiking, and the weather was perfect for that!

We did 3 major hikes: Fatman’s Loop, the Inner Basin Trail, and Little Elden Mountain (which completed one of my virtual challenges, “Beat the Blerch”).

On our first day, we hiked about 5 miles Fatman’s Loop, a popular area for hikers and runners.

The next day we did an in-and-out on the Inner Basin Trail. A little over 9 miles total.

The hike on our last day was the most challenging, but also the most spectacular scenery. We had planned to do a minimum of 13.1 miles so I could complete one of my virtual half marathon events, but since we weren’t familar with all the trails we ended up doing 17 miles, which took us about 7 hours.